I got tired of reading the many rants and raves in the blog world regarding Beyonce's Loreal ad and now Serena's Men's Health cover. Anybody that knows anything about photography knows that a raw picture is almost never used for anything, especially when it comes to magazine covers, spreads, and ads. So what is the big damn deal about Beyonce's Loreal Ad and Serena Williams Men's Health Cover? I know Black folks may feel offended about lightening a Black woman's skin or slimming down her curves but, people it's done all of the time. It's a part of photography. Thats what goes on when it comes to modeling. It's called editing and retouching. Black models aren't the only ones getting this done to their pictures people. Also, I'll be brutally honest Serena and her sister ALWAYS looks hit to me. I honestly don't see what men see in them, besides their so called muscular body I guess. When I saw her photos for Men's Health I thought this was the best the sista's ever looked in my book. She looks absolutely fabulous. So whatever editing they did, it did Serena some major justice. They need to do it all the time because again Serena always looks busted. I know some men aren't going to agree with me but, whatever. Also, as far as the Beyonce ad has anyone ever thought about the fact that Beyonce tans and wears bronzers. Beyonce is fair skinned. Look at her mother Tina, and even her nephew Juelz. Her creole heritage definitely shows in her family. So when

you see pictures of Beyonce looking her true color people get nervous and think she's been photoshopped. I don't because Beyonce has never been brown skin besides when she's airbrushed, bronzed, or tanned. So get a grip people. Again, when you see Bey looking all brown and bronzed it's called MAKEUP and it's also called " I got millions of fucking dollars so I stay at the beach getting tanned". Another thing is anything that Beyonce's face is on is going to sell so they don't need to do anything to her face to gain dollars. Also, Beyonce has been modeling for Loreal for a long time now, like do you actually think all of a sudden they're going to try to purposely lighten her as if she's too dark? Come on now! Did anyone ever think that maybe in all of Bey's old ads for Loreal she was wearing a bronzer or something? Loreal is a makeup company! Anywho, you can use a picture of Beyonce on her worst day and shit is still going to sell so, I'll just say this Black folks don't get your panties and drawers in a bunch so fast without thinking about all of the factors. I know because of everything we've went through as a race we can sometimes be a bit nervous, suspicious, and a bunch of other stuff but, sometimes it's just really not that deep.
Beyonce has never been a favorite topic of mine, so I really won't address her...
But in terms of Serena -- I didn't know that there was a controversy surrounding her pics... I just heard a lot of people applauding it...
I liked the pics. Since I lift regularly and like that look of keeping your natural curves, but also with having definition, to me, it's a sexy and hard to achieve look...good for her.
on the other hand you are right... she isn't that cute, and never will be... but makeup and computer graphics help... A WHOLLLLLLE LOT ...LOL
babybrown of mommabrown.com
Well yea I read on some other blogs that they were saying Serena's pics were photoshopped too and that she was lightened and she slimmed down
LOL I'm glad somebody agrees with me.
I tend to disagree with the statement that Venus and Serena are unattractive women. If compared to society/hollywood standard than yeah I can see why someone would say so. But in reality they're both attractive women with Serena I don't like the muscles on her and that takes away from her but in the face I disagree with that yet I wouldn't say they're drop dead gorgeous women and I'm also the type of person who find beauty in most so in all fairness to those who disagree:).
On the photoshop thing, I'm actually taking up courses @ work to get a print and web cert. Just finished a photoshop course taught by an individual already working in advertising. He showed us some of the work that he's done and gave us a small spill on ethics in this business. Sharing with us an add that he'd done for a mall and he stated if he'd known exactly what they wanted him to do, he wouldn't have taken the job. The job required that he take in the models waste when she wasn't that big in the 1st place. He showed us the before and after and everyone saw what he meant and agreed.
I know I personally wouldn't do it as well. However, I think people have to take issue with that over what's done to specific people or leave the subject alone as a whole. And I also can appreciate certain ads perhaps because I know it's altered and I like the creativity of it. I'm not looking for it to do anything for me per se like I don't look to Beyonce or Serena for beauty I don't look in the mirror and say wow I wish my skin was that flawless so I can appreciate it yet I would have as a teen so that's why I personally wouldn't want to do it. And I know the companies having these changes made aren't thinking hey let's be creative and change abc xyz, no let's sell our customers or potential customers perfection so they think they can go out and acheive what's in this ad.
lol you are wrong for saying serena looks hit, lol
bad girl.
Serena does look hit Chimere! It's the truth.
Anonymous both of those girls always look hit. Their clothes look sloppy almost always. They just always look like they've came straight off the tennis court. I'm not saying their not cute because of their skin tone or they're curves, yes because of their muscle tones and thats cause they play tennis which they are the shit at and it pays their bills but those muscles aren't cute. Maybe they just need stylists lol. Yea I did on you the principle of modeling, photography, and editing stuff. it's apart of the business and u have to pick and choose if it's what u wanna do. also they all had choices on rather or not they wanted to do the shoot. i'm sure they're intelligent and knows that they're photos will get edited so why are we mad they're not mad? they know what goes on
Thank you so much for writing this. I never knew people were complaining about Serena's new pics in the men's health mag I thought she looked pretty good.
"Beyonce tans and wears bronzers."
Thank you, again all these loser people lol are getting mad about Beyonce's skin being so light, when Beyonce is light skin to begin with.
And like you mentioned she wears bronzers and tans plus she's a celebrity so she's always wearing makeup which means no one even knows her true skin colour.
I'm not offended at all with the loreal ad, I saw a true copy of it in the new essence magazine and they didn't make her lighter at all thats just her true light skin complexion that everyone seems to want to desire (and are running having babies with you know who to fulfill that dream) for what god damn reason I don't know, so I don't know why people are getting mad.
Now I can understand now if they made Alek Wek's skin lighter then that would be a issue.
"Beyonce is fair skinned. Look at her mother Tina, and even her nephew Juelz. Her creole heritage definitely shows in her family."
LOL. Yea I thought to myself too like now I can see Naomia Cambell or like you said Alek Wek's pictures came out that light then we'd know for sure it was something fishy going on
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