Monday, July 21, 2008

The Wackest & Most Ignorant Video I've Ever Seen

First off, I can't believe that I even made it through watching this whole video. A friend of mine posted this bullshit on facebook. I honestly can't even believe the creator of this video took the time to make such non-sense. #1 This video is titled "More Proof of Queen Latifah's Treason" and it only discusses her for about one minute. So I think that title needs to be changed. #2 It's been said a lot that Black women who dye their hair blonde or wear blonde weave are trying to be white. That's bullshit. I can't speak for all Black women that dye their hair blonde but, I can guarantee you that that mass majority are in no way shape or form trying to be white. With that said are white women who dye their hair black trying to be Black? Or what about Albinos and Mulattos? Like, what the fuck? I can't believe people actually say this and really believe this stuff. What about the women who dye their hair red, pink, purple, or blue? Who are they trying to be like because there isn't any race of people or human being on earth that naturally has these hair colors (except for some shades of red). #3 The video talks about Queen Latifah's cease in being Afrocentric. Who ever said that you have to walk around wearing red, black ,and green, and huge medallions all the time in order to be afrocentric? Also, just because a person isn't ethnocentric doesn't mean that they're trying to be someone else or that their ashamed of who they are. The last time that I checked wearing huge medallions around your neck played out in the 80's any fucking way! Does the creator of the video know about something called Growth? Just in case someone didn't know it's a lot of fucked up shit taking place in Africa right now, as well as a lot of fucked up shit took place in Africa in the past. #4 The men only church comment was hilarious. I'm not even going to really comment on that one. If you're a frequent reader then I'm sure that you already know how I feel about "The Church", "The Bible", and "Christianity" and it's sexism. #5 As far as the comments regarding Black women and feminism, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK! I'm not going to really comment on those either because I'm so irritated it would just be more cuss words than anything. I'm sure from the first sentence you get my drift. #6 The comment about Black women complaining about the "Million Man March" and Black women tried to stop Black men from getting work done during that event. Wow. I never even heard about a group of Black women complaining about the march so I missed the memo. I'll say this, the fact that so many Black men came together and unified is definitely awesome and beautiful. I wasn't at the march so I don't know what went on there but, marching is only a form of expression. In actuality marching has never gotten anything accomplished besides pulling people together, networking, getting points across, and expression. Marching hasn't changed any laws, it hasn't paid any bills, it hasn't fed any hungry people, it hasn't stopped people from killing each other, it hasn't stopped wars, it hasn't stopped racism, it hasn't done a damn thing but, get people a little exercise. #7 Was the voice of the narrator suppose to be scary? LMAO! Was the voice suppose to make the message more believable? Get out of here! #8 The witchcraft comment was really hilarious. It never ceases to amaze me the bullshit people believe. Anyway I'm not waisting anymore time on this ignorant video. I'm mad that I let this video keep me up. I was my own my way to bed until I saw that shit. Peace. I'm going to sleep...


Fitness Goddess said...

Girl, i couldn't even get throught the first 60 seconds, the voice was just too annoying...but from what you wrote I definitely agree with you. The creator of that video is quite off.

C.L. Jones said...

Wow. I am so tired of fanatical black men justifying their personal position in life on black women. I am tired of black women doing the same thing to black men. There needs to be a dialogue in place---QUICK!

Chimere said...

it's called TOO much time on your hands...

*shaking my head*

Glennisha Morgan said...

Fitness Goddess- It took everything I had to continue to watch the video. I only did it because I didn't want to comment without watching the whole entire thing.

CL- I hear you. This crap needs to stop on both ends!

Chimere- Exactly!

Beauty Is Diverse said...

Wow pure foolishness.

"#2 It's been said a lot that Black women who dye their hair blonde or wear blonde weave are trying to be white. That's bullshit."

Can I get a double BULLSHIT on that one!!

"If you're a frequent reader then I'm sure that you already know how I feel about "The Church", "The Bible", and "Christianity" and it's sexism"

Preach sista got that right sexism to the fullest.