So today was my first day ever riding on a motorcycle (I"m mad I didn't take my camera), compliments of my honey. It's funny because I'm scary as hell and I initially thought I wouldn't get over my fear. Today I put my fear aside and hopped my ass on the Kawasaki Ninja. After a few bumps, my Burtha behind flying in the air, and riding on the side of trucks on the freeway my fear turned to excitement. From about 2-5 the western suburbs it was then off downtown to ride one time around Belle Isle. I had an intermission from about 5 to 9 to take care of family business then it was back on the road until about 11. It was 8 mile to Woodward, then down Jefferson, back to Belle Isle, Greektown, and back down 8 mile, to McDonalds (Thanks idiots for putting cheese on my southern style chicken sandwich, I didn't ask for that shit), then home sweet home. Usually I'm not rolling in the bed until around 5 or 6 but, today is hella different. I know that riding a motorcycle, especially on the back of one doesn't involve any real leg work or exercise but, my ass is truly stumped. The breeze was the bomb and I guess it helped put my insomniac self to sleep. So guess what, I'm out. I wish I had more to post tonight but, I don't.
I love bikes... the thing I miss probably most about living in NC... I am scared as all heck to ride in NYC... cab's are the worst... I am not trying to die...
but when I was in NC I would ride with my boys all the time... for a while there I wanted to learn and get my own bike... maybe one day
Woah, you went all over town! It sounds like you had a good time! Its so thrilling to go for a ride on a motorcycle! I love it!
Eb- After the first ride It think I love them already. I guess it's like a thrill, a good thrill though if you're riding w/ someone that you trust. Oh Lord. I couldn't imagine riding a bike in NY.
Cecelia-Yes! It was so much fun. We did pretty much ride everywhere.
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