While looking in my full length mirror just a few seconds ago to see how I looked in my bathing suit that I haven't wore in years, I felt unsatisfied. I know my hips aren't going anywhere because my mom gave me those but, everything else needs to be slimmer.I've been saying for a while now that I want to lose some weight and tone up but, I only exercise sporadic

ally. I know that sporadic exercising won't get me to where I want to be. So I figured I'd try something else. I'm going to go the route of eating small meals every 3 hours but, there's a catch. This is what I know is going to be hard. I'm also going to stop eating meat. I'm only going to eat fruits and vegetables. This will also be my test to see if I can really go veggie if I ever decide to do it seriously. I think this is perfect time for me try this new way of eating because during summer I have a decrease in appetite anyway due to the heat. I don't know how long I should do this in order to get real results but, the idea is to actually gear myself into a more healthy lifestyle. So if I do get positive results or the results that I want I'll probably continue to do this. I'll keep you updated on how this goes for me.
Weigh your options...
I considered going vegetarian - but in order to do that you need to make sure that you're getting all of your protein and healthy fats. Don't make any drastic decisions.
my sig. other eats very well (unless we're on vacation lol) and works out 6 times a week...
The man is truly an inspiration...
I do ok... but when I'm busy my workout schedule gets sporadic too... I'm trying to change that, by just going with him (which I never thought that I would like, since I usually fly solo) But I have been going with him lately, and I truly think that having a work out and diet partner helps...
For your diet - if you decide not to go veggie... you should think about lean meats like tuna, chicken, turkey...
fats like almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, light cheese
carbs like plain oats, and grain filled breads (in moderation)
eat your calories, don't drink them - so cut back on the soda and drink water, or do crystal light ( I love the lemonade flavor!)
We should chat and keep each other accountable or something - that might be cool ;)
TTYL Baby G!
Thanks for the tips. Yea, that's what has always stirred me away from going Veggie, the fact that you can easily miss out on a lot nutrients that you need if you don't do it right. You're right work out partners and great! I need one badly. I know it would make it much easier if I had someone to motivate me/me motivate them. Yea we should keep each other accountable. Even though we're far away that will help! :)
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