Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fuck It

I blogged about my situation last night and erased it shortly after. I said I wouldn't blog about this but, fuck it. Unfortunately, I became abruptly single again as of Tuesday around 4am. I also became a bunch of other stuff too. Due to legal issues, I won't even mention those details. I'm sitting here about burst into tears non stop but, I don't want my little sister to see me cry. I'm thinking @ a time like this damn where are your girls? Aren't they suppose like ummm come pick you up? Take you out? Atleast call and see if a bitch is holding up ? (I don't have my phone but, damn my mother's number is accessible.) I guess not, or is it just the fact that I don't have any "girls". For almost three years my significant other became my bestfriend. When things went down, I called him. I shared things with him that I wouldn't even share with my "girls" but, now I can't share anything but, a fucking PPO with our names on it. When I wanted to share a quick laugh, I texted him, when he wasn't @ home that is. Home. That I can no longer go into. I'll admit I was riding it out for a minute. I had my soldier boots on. They were laced real tight. Sooner than expected, they got pulled off my feet rather fast. ....Excuse me while I go wipe my tears

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my goodness Glennisha! I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I wanna text you now and see if you're doing better but I don't want it to seem like i'm just callin for like info or anything you know. hope you're doing better...